Hello again! It's been a while since my last blog post, but this time I have something super interesting to share. In APCS we are getting to the end of our first semester. We've gotten to the point in the class where we have begun to learn the basics of programming, so naturally our last project of the semester would be to create our own masterpiece that we programmed. My group and I created outer space. OUTER SPACE. I love everything about outer space so when we decided we were going to program it I was really excited. The aspects of outer space we included were the stars, planets, aliens, and comets/meteoroids. I was in charge of creating all the stars. It was so fun to create something
real. When my group members and I put all our parts together it was so cool. It looked like such a unique, digital outer space image. To add to the cool factor of our image, every time we refresh it the position of the stars, planets, aliens, comets/meteoroids would change! We programmed it to change position every time the program is run. Below is a couple pictures of my part and then how it looked in the end. I hope you enjoy it!